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“Together We Achieve”

Our motto reflects our belief that effective partnerships can deliver improved outcomes beyond those we could achieve on our own. By sharing expertise to tackle common problems we believe we can deliver better solutions. Parents are critical partners and also reflected in our motto. Our schools all buy into the belief that we must keep parents well informed and ensure our families are able to access learning materials from home.

The Grand Union Multi Academy Trust (GU MAT) was formally set up by Featherstone High School Governing Body on 1st September 2016. The founding members are Woodlands Academy, a Primary school in Hanwell, Ealing and Featherstone High School, an outstanding secondary school in Southall, Ealing. The Grand Union MAT is the first school led Multi Academy Trust to open in Ealing and is a formal partnership between local schools committed to supporting each other. Schools joining GU MAT will all show commitment to the Trust’s four strategic cornerstones – a relentless focus on teaching and learning, rigorous tracking and data analysis, a rich and varied curriculum and a strong code of behaviour. In addition they will also be committed to the Trusts motto “Together We Achieve.” All schools will share our ambition that all children within GU MAT schools will make outstanding progress and will be seen collectively as “our children” by all member schools.

Featherstone High School has been approved by the Government as Sponsoring Academy which means we can bid for government grants to support other schools in their School Improvement journey in addition to central funds raised from the individual schools contribution to GU MAT.

As a Trust, we are excited about the opportunities for closer collaboration that this new partnership offers both financial and educational which we are confident will benefit all members of the GU MAT.

If you are interested in finding out more about GU MAT, email: